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We have four goals, three that are focused directly on our mission and vision and one that is necessary for our sustainable success.

Development and implement essential supports (such as early childhood learning, student wellness, student onboarding) that are necessary because of issues related to race, poverty, and mobility to ensure that all students are able to thrive in our learning environments.

E1 Pre-K Model: Work collaboratively to share resources and develop regional efforts that address the needs of Pre-K teachers, students and programs.
E2 Student Achievement: Use data to identify common gaps in student achievement for all students, especially literacy, and develop common resources and strategies to address these gaps, including opportunities for grade-level or content-area problem-solving through sub-committees.
E3 Career Readiness: Work collaboratively to identify and replicate best practices for career readiness, including a regional mechanism for internships and field experiences in partnership with local businesses.
E4 Student Wellness: Identify key partners and services and replicate best practices for the physical, social and emotional needs of services, including mental health services, nursing services and mobile health units.
E5 Multi-System Involved Youth: Align efforts with social service agencies to provide coordinated planning and support to youth involved, or potentially involved, with multiple systems, including youth needing mental health services, youth in foster care, homeless youth and youth at risk of being identified as truant.
E6 Safety & Security: Identify common gaps and critical aspects in ensuring the Safety & Security needs of school districts, research opportunities to secure funding or share resources in meeting identified needs while including perspectives and support from multiple networks.
E7 Student Leadership Program: Implement and expand the Student Leadership Program for 11th-grade students that provides opportunities for building peer relationships, leadership development and action research experiences that address critical needs within districts.
Promote a compellng, fact- based portrayal of First Ring Districts and advocate for them to ensure that decisions are made that support a high quality education for our students.
A1 PR and Communication Plan: Identify multiple strategies for increasing the brand and awareness of FRSC to promote the collaborative efforts of FRSC, advocate to parents as a primary school choice, support Superintendents in responding as a Collaborative to media requests and increase communication tools for Superintendents to use with district boards of education.

A2 Legislative Awareness and Advocacy: Establish a mechanism that provides all FRSC networks current information regarding legislative issues, facilitates the development of common advocacy platforms, and identifies opportunities to influence legislative and state-level decision-makers. 

Utilize our collective knowledge and experience to develop innovative programs, increase operational efficiency, and leverage best practices.
C1 First Ring Networks: Ensure effectiveness, alignment and full participation of the First Ring Networks in driving the implementation of the Strategic Plan, increase communication and joint planning among First Ring Networks, include discussion of Network efforts during individual district administrator meetings, and expand Networks, Task Forces or Sub-Committees, as needed, to accomplish the work of the Strategic Plan.

C2 Shared Services: Include Shared Services as a standing agenda item across all Networks and develop a mechanism for facilitating the development of Shared Services among First Ring districts.

C3 Leadership Academy: Maintain the current level of participation in the Leadership Academy, continue to evolve the structure and content based on needs, and strengthen the alignment to other First Ring initiatives, such as the First Ring Student Leadership Program.

Foster strict adherence to the implementation of the strategic plan through a collaborative FRSC culture and intentional methods of operation
G1 Working Model: Monitor and continue to improve the structures, processes and resources in place necessary for implementing the Strategic Plan and adhere to the mission of the FRSC.

G2 Financial Resources: Develop a funding committee that 1) identifies grant opportunities to support the initiatives developed out of the Strategic Plan and 2) identifies potential mechanisms for distributing small, mini-grants for innovative district solutions that support the FRSC Strategic Plan.

G3 Superintendent Support Program: Develop a new superintendent support program that welcomes new superintendents to the FRSC, orients them to the mission of the collaborative, accelerates their full participation, and captures the unique contributions they can make.
Click here to read the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan.