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Strategies for Improving Student Thinking in the Math Classroom
Monday, September 11, 2023
This Event Is A Series Of Dates (See Below)
9/11, 10/5, 12/7, 2/8, and 5/9
Topic:   Curriculum & Instruction
Sponsored by:   ESC-NEO
Presenter(s):   Alexis Volk and James "Ike" Holzapfel
Are you interested in learning about how to turn your mathematics classroom into an environment ripe for thinking?
This series of five (5) PD sessions will focus on a set of strategies any K-12 math teacher can use to help students become independent thinkers.
The sessions will reference the book
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics.
The book is Grant Funded for any participants that don't already have it!
This event is open to the public.
Location:   virtual and in person
Registration Time:  
Program Time:   3:30 PM and ending at 4:30 PM
Program Cost:   None 
Make Check or PO Payable to:   N/A
Registration Deadline:   9/1/2023
To Register:  
PD Contact Hours:   1.0 
Graduate Credit:  
Special Notes:  
Please enter your address and email carefully.  Use the address you will need the book mailed to.  A zoom link will be sent.  

Please contact Eva Rosbach at [email protected] if you will not need a copy of the book mailed to you.

Thank you.  
For Information Call:   Eva Rosbach
[email protected]
Program Flyer:  
Strategies for Improving Student Thinking in the Math Classroom