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SPP Help Session
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Topic:   Special Education
Sponsored by:   SST 3

Each year the Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) within the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) releases Special Education Profile data and Special Education Ratings for each Ohio public school district and reports to the public on the performance of each LEA’s (Local Education Agency) special education program. This annual report includes the state’s targets for each indicator and each district’s performance compared to those targets.

As an SST, it is part of our role to support our LEAs with any required actions as a result of not meeting the set targets for the special education indicators. The first level of this support is an overview session of the indicators with required actions. 

The first hour will be a general overview session about these indicators and how to use the data to move toward systemic change within your LEA. We will share methods and tools to organize and analyze the data to best serve your students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. We will then move to break-out groups for each indicator. If you need to attend more than one indicator session, you will have time to do this or you may view a pre-recorded video that describes the process for each indicator. You will also have the opportunity to meet with and set up additional meeting times with the SST consultant assigned to support your LEA.


Audience:   Special Education Cross-Functional Teams, Special Education Administrators, any other special education stakeholders.
Preference given to Cuyahoga County
Location:   Virtual
Registration Time:   Registration @ 8:30 am
Program Time:   9:00 AM and ending at 12:00 PM
Registration Deadline:   1/27/2025
PD Contact Hours:   3.0 
Graduate Credit:  
Special Notes:  
For Information Call:   Karen Sever
[email protected]
Program Flyer:  
SPP Help Session