Paula Kucinic is the Director of Professional Learning and Workforce Development for the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio. In her work, she works closely with the workforce development team in identifying, coordinating, and delivering high-quality networks, programs, and services for Northeast Ohio. She leads the Northeast Ohio Business Advisory Council (BAC), Business and Industry Leadership Teams (BILTs), and participates in the Cross-State High School Collaborative (CSHSC) Project. She participates on several committees and has presented both nationally and locally. She is an alumna of the National Career Pathways Network Leadership Development Academy and has worked in business, K-12 education and higher-education sectors. Prior to joining the ESC, she spent nearly 14 years at Cleveland State University in a variety of positions, including program and budget coordinator for a regional training center and, as a purchasing agent for the university.
Nadine GrimmNadine Grimm is Coordinator of 21st Century Learning at the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio. Among her duties, she participates on the ESC Workforce Development team that brings educators and business leaders together to prepare the student workforce for lifelong success. She assists with coordination of the ESC’s Business Advisory Council (BAC) and Business & Industry Leadership Teams (BILTs). She participates in the Northeast Ohio region of Ohio Tech Prep convenings. Nadine has facilitated district workforce development teams, notably for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District PACE (Planning and Career Exploration) initiative linking students to careers and living wage jobs. She is an alumna of the National Career Pathways Network Leadership Development Academy. She has presented locally, statewide, and nationally about career development. In her career, she has worked in business, non-profit, and K-12 and higher education sectors.
Tippi FoleyTippi Foley is the Workforce Development and Early Childhood Consultant for the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio. She leads the Early Childhood Task Force to work collaboratively to share resources and develop regional efforts that address the needs of Pre-K teachers, leaders, students, and programs. She also supports on the ESC Workforce Development team to bring business leaders and educators together to create opportunities for students that align to the workforce needs. She also participates on the Business Industry Leadership Teams (BILTS) and Business Advisory Council (BAC) through the ESC. She is a proven leader with 28 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, coach and currently serving her second term as the President of the Perry Local Board of Education.
Amy HarkerAmy’s experience with college and career readiness, leadership development and personalized learning helps build capacity in districts ready to expand or enhance their programming. She is a facilitator for strategic planning helping districts to align their many initiatives. She serves as a connector of public schools, higher education, and businesses to aid districts in building experience-based learning opportunities and creating comprehensive career plans for K-12. She has established a NEO Career Readiness Leaders Network and serves as a facilitator on Ohio's Career Readiness Leaders' Network. In addition, she serves as Coordinator for Career Readiness Task Force for the First Ring Collaborative. Amy is a lead on the Cross-State High School Collaborative working with Johns Hopkins University and ODE. Being trained in design learning and as a culture change agent, she employs her experience as a teacher and district leader to help districts become future ready.
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