In support of the First Ring Schools Collaborative vision of lifelong success for its students, here are resources for First Ring districts to use regarding career readiness. These resources include guidance and preparation for multiple post-graduation pathways.
According to the Future of the U.S. Workforce series which can be found at
The U.S. workforce will require more education and skills in the near future
Low skills jobs provide few opportunities for advancement or security
The skills mismatch is real (more skills are needed for available jobs)
There are many pathways to middle and high skills jobs, but education and training beyond high school is the common denominator.
What is needed to be Career Ready?The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) define career readiness as the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. The competencies associated with career readiness are:
Critical thinking/problem solving
Oral/written communication
Digital technology
Professionalism/Worth ethic
Career management
Global/intercultural fluency
CLICK HERE for more NACE Career Readiness resources [sample materials and assessments]
For more information, contact:
Tippi Foley
Career Readiness Coordinator
First Ring Schools Collaborative