Career Exploration & PlanningCareer exploration and planning involves looking at specific career interests more in depth such as participating in career shadowing or internships, examining self-awareness about one’s skills, participating in service learning, and developing a plan to achieve one’s goals.
U.S. Department of Labor – Occupational Outlook Handbook [provides information about different occupations, salaries, and education needed for occupations] Ohio Means Jobs [Plan It]
Ohio Means Jobs [Career Clusters] Means Jobs [Career Fairs and Workshops] Department of Education [Career Pathways] Credit Plus [Earn credit for college while in high school] InfoNet [certification finder, salaries, resume help, career videos (also in Spanish). Association of Colleges and Employers [salary information] ? State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work --
National Career Technical Education Foundation [Career Clusters, Knowledge & Skills statements, Plan of Study] Your Career [Workforce Development Council – Seattle]
Guide to Getting Hired