To facilitate continuous improvement in districts and schools, as a part of Ohio’s Statewide System of Support (SSoS), SST3 is tasked with building the capacity of districts and community schools across our region to provide every child and youth with equitable opportunities to learn. The operational goal of SST3 is to improve the learning of children and youth through the use of inclusive instructional practices that support students’ development in four priority areas outlined in
Future Forward Ohio.
- Literacy
- Accelerating Learning (focusing on Literacy and Numeracy)
- Workforce Readiness
- Student Wellness.
The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) is an organizational framework that provides a lens for districts and schools to view continuous improvement. The framework of the OIP brings educators together through collaborative team structures to learn from each other, and it facilitates communication and decision-making between and across levels of the system (district, central office, school, grade levels, content areas, classrooms). When viewed as an organizational framework, rather than an exercise in compliance, the OIP gives districts a process for focused and intentional action. The team structures at the core of the OIP facilitate the formation of peer-to-peer networks, giving more people a voice and allowing for the inclusion of multiple perspectives in guiding each district’s and community school's journey toward organizational learning and continuous improvement.
Resources to support school improvement: