Student: Aliyeah Lozado
Course: Digital Photography
Description: Exploring focal lengths and different modes on a digital camera.
Fantastic slide show exploring different uses of digital photography!
Student: River Stepp
Course: AP Literature
Description: Excerpt from student's essay response. Expertly written and scored 100%!
Student: Kendall, 8th grader
Course: Science 8 Lab
Description: Examine how the slope of a race track effects the speed of an object moving along the race track. This was a virtual lab, but Kendall and her family went above and beyond to conduct their own experiment!
Student: Brady Sherman
Course: 3rd Grade Social Studies and Science
Description: (Image 1): In 3rd grade Social studies students were asked to show their understanding by creating a 3-dimenstiuonal timeline depicting the rise and fall of many civilizations including the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec. After completing the timeline students were to use art supplies to construct 3-D models depicting each society and using them as beginning and ending dates.
Description (Image 2): In 3rd grade English students were to use a Venn diagram as a graphic organizer to show the similarities and differences in 2 articles, “Rain Forests: Nature’s Pharmacy,” and “Saving the Rain Forests.” After sorting out their ideas, students were to create a poster depicting the similarities and differences between both articles.
Creative and colorful! Great job, Brady!