"100th Day of School"
On February 20th, several of our families
decided to celebrate their 100th Day of School.
Congrats kiddos!
Ohio Online Learning Program Featured on WKYC TV3's "LIVE ON LAKESIDE"
On September 6th, Mark Curtis and Shannon McCreary of the Ohio Online Learning Program were featured on WKYC TV3's "LIVE ON LAKESIDE" program. They explained the benefits of the Ohio Online Learning Program to both school districts and students.
Click here to watch the interview.
2017 Counselor/Staff Conference On May 15th, the Ohio Online Learning Program
held its annual Counselor/Staff Conference at the
ESC of Cuyahoga County. Topics discussed included system navigation, special education advancements, and new reporting features. Whether new to OOLP or involved for some time, there was plenty to learn for those that attended!
CSU Pre-Service Teachers Tour ESC and OOLP
On April 4, 2019, Cleveland State University (CSU) pre-service teachers toured the ESC of Northeast Ohio and learned about the Ohio Online Learning Program. The group discussed options for online teaching and other services offered to students in the online program.