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PBIS Videos

PBIS On Demand Professional Learning Series

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: It Takes the Whole Building videos

The objective of this PBIS video series is to provide information on what PBIS is, how to implement PBIS, and the steps schools/districts need to take to teach expectations, reinforce expectations, make data-based decisions and create a positive culture. These videos can be used in conjunction with your PBIS Team annual training for staff that includes the Why, What, and How PBIS is implemented in your school.

This video series is focused on the fundamentals of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Reflection questions have been provided to prompt discussion after viewing each video. The videos provide information and discussion on PBIS as a decision-making framework. PBIS takes the entire school/district to implement to meet the needs of the whole child and the family. PBIS promotes a safe, supportive and challenging school environment. For students, there is a reduction in challenging behavior and improved social/emotional competencies and academic performance. The needs of staff are also met so there is an increased perception of teacher efficacy and improved organizational efficiency.

Chapter 1: What is PBIS? (21:04)

Reflection Questions

  1. How would you explain what PBIS is?
  2. What are the benefits of implementing PBIS?  
  3. How does PBIS work with other programs and practices in buildings/districts?

Chapter 2: Getting Started (18:24)

Reflection Questions

  1. What is the role of the PBIS building leadership team? Who should be included in the leadership team?  
  2. Why is it important to have a leadership team?
  3. How can school administration support PBIS efforts in the building?
  4. What are some considerations schools should consider when creating the 3-5 behavior expectations?  
  5. Why is it helpful to teach the behavior expectations across the different school locations?

Chapter 3:  Teaching Expectations (16:12)

Reflection Questions

  1. Why is it important to explicitly teach behavior expectations?
  2. How did the schools in the video teach behavior expectations?  
  3. How can review of behavior expectations be incorporated into the daily teaching activities?
  4. How can families be included in the PBIS framework?
  5. What is a PBIS booster session? When should it be provided?

Chapter 4:  Reinforcing Expectations (17:35)

Reflection Questions

  1. Why is it important to acknowledge expected behaviors?  
  2. How can reinforcement improve staff and student relationships?
  3. Create a list of no-cost reinforcements.  
  4. How can schools ensure student feedback is used when developing reinforcement plans?

Making Data Informed Decisions (14:21)

Reflection Questions

  1. What sources would schools look at when reviewing behavioral data in their buildings/districts?
  2. How would schools share data with all staff consistently (e.g., at least quarterly) with opportunities for discussion and feedback?
  3. In order for PBIS teams to analyze data (identify gaps and address needs) how would teams determine the amount of time needed and frequency?
  4. How would schools utilize data to maintain communication and ensure buy-in from stakeholders?

Chapter 6:  Creating a Positive Culture (12:16)

Reflection Questions

  1. How can schools build relationships based on positive interactions between students, staff and families?
  2. How can schools embrace the role PBIS plays for all school staff (e.g., cafeteria and bus drivers)?
  3. Based on your role, how can schools ensure equity when developing a sense of belonging?
  4. What would the PBIS framework look like in schools when integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) with behavioral and academic needs (the whole child)?
These videos are also available in the ODE Learning Management System (LMS). A two clock hour certificate is provided for this course through that system. In order for the certificate to be generated for the course, all of the following required conditions must be met.

You must:
  • visit & watch all videos,
  • respond to the reflection questions for each chapter (in your ePortfolio or using another course journal),
  • upload the completed journal to the dropbox and,
  • complete the course evaluation.