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Local Professional Development Committee & Forms

ESC of Northeast Ohio LPDC Google Site

The Educational Service Center (ESC) of Northeast Ohio's Local Professional Development Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving all Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP) and professional development activities that educators propose/complete for the purpose of licensure maintenance and renewal. The LPDC meets every second Tuesday of the month during the school year and does not typically meet in July and August.

All certificated employees are required to submit an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) outlining professional development goals for the current licensure cycle. The IPDP must be submitted to the committee within sixty (60) days of being hired and/or receiving the initial five-year professional license. Regardless of the number of licenses held individuals are only required to complete and submit one Individual Professional Development Plan. The plan must be revised at the beginning of each new licensure cycle. Annual workshops are held by the LPDC to assist educators in filing their plans and professional development activities with the committee.

Questions regarding the Local Professional Development Committee can be directed to Stacy Dunning  


HB 438 

The Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio (ESC) is pleased to welcome all educators not currently employed within a school/district to join the ESC Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). With the passage of House Bill 438, effective Sept. 28, 2018, licensed individuals who are not employed in schools/districts with an LPDC, may work to renew their licenses through a cooperating educational service center’s Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).