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Local Professional Development Committee & Forms

Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) 

Our Philosophy

In recognizing the role of educators in our organization, we are committed to supporting their professional journey, including the crucial aspect of license renewal according to the requirements and criteria provided through the Ohio State Board of Education. High-quality professional development is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We actively support high-quality training and educational opportunities that support growth and development for all educators. We also seek to foster a culture that is both customer-service oriented and employee-focused in nature. We believe that by prioritizing the development of our employees within that supportive culture, we inherently enhance the service we provide to our districts and partners.

Our Purpose

LPDCs are responsible for reviewing and approving Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs), coursework and other professional development activities that educators propose to complete to renew their licenses. 

ESC Employees will automatically be included in our LPDC upon transitioning to a professional teaching license. Employees who work directly for a school district may have the option of joining the district's LPDC. 

The Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio (ESC) is pleased to welcome all educators not currently employed within a school/district to join the ESC Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). With the passage of House Bill 438, effective Sept. 28, 2018, licensed individuals who are not employed in schools/districts with an LPDC, may work to renew their licenses through a cooperating educational service center’s Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).