The Project Prevent Grant runs from September 2019 - September 2024.
On September 27, 2019, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) notified the Educational Service Center (ESC) of Northeast Ohio that their grant proposal had been selected for funding over the next five years. Project Prevent is a five-year, 5 Million dollar federal grant. This was one of fourteen awarded the grant nationally.
The Project Prevent grant addresses pervasive Violence, Trauma, Anxiety, and other mental health needs among our youth. The ESC of Northeast Ohio will continue the work begun through the Project AWARE grant to address the gaps in these focus areas in continued collaboration with the county and local youth-serving systems and client districts. Implementation of tiered interventions (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) which include interconnected systems work to provide early and appropriate services for all youth, including multi-system involved, will be supported through the ESC of Northeast Ohio and county and community partners. Case Western Reserve University, Begun Centers for Violence Prevention Research and Education, Dr. Michelle Riske-Morris, and Dr. David Hussey will be the grant evaluators for Project Prevent.
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) is working directly with the Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) to support the Project Prevent grantees, providing technical assistance and training to support grant planning and implementation. The Center has supported numerous grantees over the last 9 years and has a staff of content experts and hundreds of resources related to safe and supportive schools.
CLICK HERE for more information on the Project Prevent Grant Program.