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Threat Assessment

Violence Prevent and Threat Assessment

The Student Wellness Department, in partnership with Ohio Schools Council, offers the following services related to violence prevention:

  • Audit of framework
  • Coaching and consultation
  • Professional Development using the CSTAG Model
  • Technical Assistance
  • Virtual hours

HB 123 Requirements
Ohio's 133rd General Assembly enacted House Bill 123, the "Safety and Violence Education Students (SAVE Students) Act,"  "Safety and Violence Education Students (SAVE Students) Act," regarding school security and youth suicide awareness education and training. The state legislation calls for a comprehensive approach to school safety involving the Ohio Department of Education, Public Safety, Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the Attorney General’s Office.

HB 123 requires each local, city, exempted village, and joint vocational school district to create a threat assessment team for each school building serving grades six through twelve. Each team shall be multidisciplinary, when possible, and may include school administrators, mental health professionals, school resource officers, and other necessary personnel. These teams aim to prevent violence and resolve conflicts that underlie threatening behavior.

Learn More about CSTAG Training Guidelines

The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG), developed in 2001 and known as the Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines until 2018, is an evidence-based model for schools to use in conducting threat assessments of students. For information about workshops on threat assessment with Dr. Cornell, go to this website. 

Upcoming Trainings & Registration

December 9, 2024 
February 18, 2025
April 11, 2025
May 27, 2025
June 3, 2025 (Level 3 Refresher Training) 

Click here to register for any of the upcoming trainings. 

Training Requirements

Upon appointment and once every three years thereafter, each team member shall complete an approved threat assessment training program from the approved list.

If members of the team have completed a training program any time after March 24, 2019, that was later approved by the OSSC, this can qualify as the initial training required under this legislation. Any new members of the team are required to complete an approved training program upon appointment.
Denise Pietrzak, MSSA, LISW-S
Student Wellness Coordinator/System Navigator
ESC of Northeast Ohio
[email protected] 
216-525-2524 (Office)
216-524-3683 (Fax)